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Let's Go! San Diego Campaign Kickoff
When: June 8, 2024 @ 9:30 am – 11:00 am
Where: Pier Plaza
910 Seacoast Drive
Imperial Beach, California

Let’s Go! San Diego is kicking off for the November 2024 campaign on June 8th, World Ocean Day! 

Join labor, social justice, and environmental organizations to officially launch the Let’s Go! San Diego campaign to fund transit solutions county-wide! 

Let’s Go! San Diego will be on the San Diego County November 2024 ballot. If passed, it will impose a half-cent sales tax (equaling $10 every $200, and not charged on groceries) to fund transit in San Diego County. This includes an airport connector, more routes, more frequency, more bike lanes, affordable fares, road improvements, and more! More info at:

Join SanDiego350, Environmental Health Coalition, environmental justice, labor and other organizations to launch this transformative campaign. 

Event Schedule:

9:30 AM- set up begins

10:00 AM- speakers begin

11:00 AM- event ends

Location: Pier Plaza, Imperial Beach


About Let’s Go! San Diego

For decades, local governments in the San Diego region poured funding into expanding highways and underfunded public transit. The result? A sprawling, car-centric system of roads and highways that burdens our communities with toxic air pollution, planet-heating greenhouse gas emissions, traffic congestion, and unacceptable levels of traffic deaths and injuries. Meanwhile, an inadequate system of buses and light rail can’t reliably get residents where they need to go on time.  

Improving transit is essential for a healthy, sustainable, equitable and vibrant San Diego. One with safe, walkable and bikeable communities; with clean air; with access for everyone – regardless of race, income or location – to education, medical care, jobs and opportunities. Expanding transit will create hundreds of good-paying, green jobs and be a boon to the local economy. And viable transportation alternatives will also improve road conditions and reduce congestion for those who need to drive.

Transit solutions that Let’s Go! San Diego will fund include: